What is Day1Ready?
Day1Ready is a digital-first flat rate course materials program for all undergraduate students developed by the SDSU Bookstore with the support of the university. This program provides each student access to all of their required course materials before the first day of class for one flat rate of $21.50 per unit/credit.
What are the benefits of Day1Ready?
Day1Ready will provide all undergraduate students access to their required course materials before the start of classes and they can keep that access through the add/drop date even if they opt out of the program. The program provides undergraduates with predictable pricing which allows them to budget for their course materials semester to semester.
What is included in Day1Ready?
Day1Ready will deliver any required course materials/iClicker with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Course supplies such as lab coats, goggles, art supplies, scantrons, examination books, etc. are not included in Day1Ready and can be purchased from the Bookstore.
Can I opt out of Day1Ready?
Yes, you can opt out of the program on or before the add/drop deadline. You will be opting out of Day1Ready for all of your classes, not on a class-by-class basis. Opting out of Day1Ready does not drop you from your classes. If you opt out and have already picked up physical materials for Day1Ready, you will need to return those materials to the store by the add/drop date or your student account will be charged the replacement cost of the materials and a late fee. For those opting out, you will need to secure your own course materials at regular pricing. Digital and print materials will be available at the Bookstore and through EZ Books (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu).
Who do I contact if I have questions about Day1Ready?
Please send us an email at d1r@sdsu.edu.
Where do I go if I'm having trouble with RedShelf?
If you are having trouble with RedShelf, you should visit the RedShelf Solve page (https://solve.redshelf.com/hc/en-us). This page includes all of the RedShelf FAQ's and the ability to submit a help request to the RedShelf Customer Experience team.
Where do I go if I'm having trouble with Cengage/Cengage Unlimited?
If you are having trouble with a Cengage product, please visit the Cengage Student Page (https://www.cengage.com/coursepages/SDSU_Student). The page includes information on how to access your Cengage products and how to contact Cengage support.
Where do I go if I'm having trouble with Pearson MyLab, Mastering or Revel?
If you are having trouble with a Pearson product, please visit Pearson Support (https://support.pearson.com/getsupport/s/contactsupport). On this page, you can search articles to resolve common issues or fill out a contact form to be directed to a support agent.
How to calculate your Day1Ready rate?
You will be charged based on your course load for one flat rate of $21.50 per unit/credit. The rate will be applied to your account shortly after registration occurs and will adjust accordingly if units/credits are added or dropped. The final amount will be due shortly after the add/drop date.
Where can I pay for Day1Ready?
After registering for your courses, a Day1Ready rate will be listed on your my.SDSU (https://my.sdsu.edu/) self-service account. Payment for Day1Ready can be made via CASHnet through the payment options listed here (https://bfa.sdsu.edu/financial/student/Payment%20Options).
Can I choose which classes I would like to participate in?
No, the rate is assessed to your entire course load, therefore opting out of the program would remove textbook access through Day1Ready for all of your registered courses after the add/drop date.
I am an undergraduate student but plan to take a graduate level course. Will that course be included in Day1Ready?
Yes. If you are an undergraduate taking a 500+ level course, your required course materials will be delivered to you as part of the Day1Ready program.
I paid for Day1Ready but decided to opt out, when will I get my refund?
Your refund will be issued back to the original form of payment four-to-six weeks from the opt out date. Per university policy, credits are first applied to outstanding fees. Then, if applicable, the remaining credit is refunded back to the original form of payment
I opted out of Day1Ready, when will it be removed from my account balance?
The Day1Ready rate will be removed from your my.SDSU (https://my.sdsu.edu/ self-service within seven business days of successfully opting out.
Will financial aid cover Day1Ready?
The financial aid cost of attendance includes an allowance for books and supplies. Financial aid can be used to cover the Day1Ready charges.
How do I access my digital textbooks if I am participating in Day1Ready?
To access your digital content/textbooks for any given course, simply log in to the course page in your SDSU Canvas account, and click on the Day1Ready link under modules. Depending on the textbook or content type, you may find additional access information after clicking the Day1Ready link.
Will all textbooks be digital under Day1Ready?
No, Day1Ready is a digital-first course materials program. If there is a required course material not available digitally, a print book/iClicker will be provided.
How can I find out if my textbooks are digital or print format?
All of your digital and print textbooks are displayed in EZ Books (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu).
How can I receive my required print textbooks that are not available in digital format?
Required print books/iClicker can be ordered through EZ Books (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu) and are also available for pick-up at the Bookstore. If you choose to ship printed materials, additional charges may apply.
Will print upgrades be available for digital books if I remain opted in Day1Ready?
It depends. Not all digital books will have a print upgrade available. Students who remain in Day1Ready will have the opportunity, if available, to purchase a print upgrade (for an additional cost) after the add/drop date. Please visit the bookstore to place print upgrade orders.
Will Day1Ready allow me to retain access to my course materials after a course ends?
It depends. eBook duration varies by publisher and may range from 150 days to perpetual access. Printed textbooks and iClickers that you receive in Day1Ready will need to be returned to the Bookstore after the semester is over. eBooks that are part of a homework manager or similar courseware are only usable for the semester during which they were originally provided. Unless otherwise noted, access to these materials expires once the term is over.
How do I opt out of Day1Ready?
You can opt out of Day1Ready by visiting the Day1Ready portal (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu/ea).
What is the deadline to opt out of Day1Ready?
You have until the add/drop date to opt out of the entire program.
How do I access my digital textbooks if I choose to opt out of Day1Ready?
You can easily access individual digital textbooks, access codes, and other digital courseware through https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu; at the Bookstore; shopaztecs.redshelf.com; or directly through the publisher.
How do I purchase my print textbooks if I choose to opt out of Day1Ready?
The Bookstore will be selling undergraduate print textbooks to those who have opted out of the Day1Ready program at current retail prices.
How do I purchase lab manuals and course readers if I choose to opt out of Day1Ready?
Custom faculty-created lab manuals and course readers will be sold at the Bookstore.
If I opt out but change my mind, can I re-enroll in Day1Ready?
Yes. Prior to the add/drop date you can opt back into Day1Ready by visiting the Day1Ready portal (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu/ea).
Are graduate and Global Campus students part of the Day1Ready program?
No, Day1Ready will only include undergraduate students at this time. Graduate level courses and Global campus courses will still have the opportunity to participate in Immediate Access (https://www.shopaztecs.com/immediateaccess).
What do I do if I need an academic accommodation?
You will continue to work with the Student Ability Success Center (https://newscenter.sdsu.edu/student_affairs/sds/). If you have questions about accessibility and using digital content or need an academic accommodation please contact the SASC for assistance.
Am I required to return printed books and iClickers I receive in Day1Ready from the Bookstore?
Yes, if you choose to remain in Day1Ready, print books and iClickers must be returned to the Bookstore by the end of the semester. Students are allowed to use lab manuals, workbooks and other consumable products as needed for the course. These materials still need to be brought back to the store to be checked in at the end of the semester. Print books can be written in and highlighted but must be returned in resalable condition without liquid damage, missing pages and other defects. You will receive an email reminding you to return these materials. If these materials are not returned at the end of the semester, your student account will be charged the replacement cost of the materials and a late fee.
Am I required to return printed books and iClickers if I drop a class?
Yes, if you have already picked up physical materials before dropping a class, print books and iClickers must be returned to the Bookstore by the add/drop date. If these materials are not returned by the add/drop date, your student account will be charged the replacement cost of the materials and a late fee.