Textbook Pricing Policy

The graphic above shows what portion of the student textbook dollar goes to the publisher (for paper, printing and editorial costs, general and administrative expenses, marketing, author income, and publisher income) and what portion goes to the typical college bookstore (for personnel and labor, freight, operations, and store income) for new books.
The total amount of the dollar going to the college store represents 22.4 cents or 22.4%. This, as reported by the National Association for College Stores, is an average for stores from across the country. At the SDSU Bookstore, historically, the amount has been below the national average and covers the costs of bookstore personnel, store operations and other expenses.
The National Association of College Stores FAQ on Used Books (visit www.nacs.org for more info) states, "used books are typically priced at 75% of the retail price of a new book". At the SDSU Bookstore used books are priced at between 50% and 70% of the new book list price. On average, at the SDSU Bookstore, the bookstore dollar mark-on is about the same for both new and used books.
The SDSU Bookstore has a vibrant textbook rental program. Nearly all new and used textbooks are available for rent at significant savings. In addition, the SDSU Bookstore offers eTextbooks, when available. These options are priced at about 30% to 55% of the new physical textbook price. Currently, about several hundred of the 3,500 titles used on campus each semester are available in digital format. Custom textbooks offered by publishers and Montezuma Publishing can also offer significant savings.
Please note that Aztec Shops is a not-for-profit auxiliary and income generated by the SDSU Bookstore, SDSU Dining Services and our other operations is put back into programs and projects at SDSU.
*Textbook Dollar printed with permission from the National Association of College Stores