Immediate Access - FAQ

Q: What is the Immediate Access Program?
A: The Immediate Access Program is designed to help students save money and have digital access to their materials by the first day of class. The Immediate Access Program is a team effort between the Bookstore, San Diego State University, the faculty, and the publishers to provide students with the best cost savings.
Q: How does Immediate Access work?
A: Your materials are provided on Canvas for free through the add/drop date. At that point, you will need to decide if you would like to maintain the access and later be billed for it, or you may opt-out and purchase your materials another way. The price you pay in Immediate Access is the lowest price available from the Bookstore.
Q: What are the benefits to the program?
A: Immediate Access provides all students with an equal opportunity to get ahead in class. By having early access to the materials, students can be better prepared for their course. The trial period before the add/drop date allows students to preview their materials without committing to purchase, and eliminates the stress of searching for the most affordable prices for those materials. The specially discounted prices in Immediate Access are exclusive to the program and are not available through any other party. Furthermore, because the Bookstore is a not-for-profit campus partner that returns its proceeds to the University, your participation in Immediate Access will benefit SDSU programs.
Q: How do I opt-in to the program?
A: All students are automatically enrolled in Immediate Access when they register for a course that is participating in the program. It is the student’s responsibility to opt-out if they do not wish to participate.
Q: How do I opt-out of the program?
A: If you wish to opt-out of the program, please go to the Immediate Access link located in Canvas > Modules. It will take you to RedShelf's platform, where you can navigate to MyShelf > MyCourses. There, you can select which courses to opt out of.
Q: How will I know if I opted out successfully?
A: To check your status, go to the Immediate Access link in Canvas > Modules. It will take you to RedShelf's platform. From the main menu, navigate to MyShelf and you will see your status there.
Q: If I have opted-out and wish to be opted back in, can I re-enter the Immediate Access program?
A: Students will have until 11:59pm on the add/drop date to finalize their participation in the Immediate Access program. You can opt in or opt out as many times as you want before the add/drop deadline. To opt back in, simply follow the Immediate Access link in Canvas > Modules and opt back in through MyShelf > MyCourses in RedShelf's platform.
Q: I already have a copy of the textbook. If I opt-out, can I opt-out of just the eBook but maintain access to the other online material?
A: No; choosing to opt-out of the material means you choose to opt-out of the eBook as well as any other online component (ex: Connect, MindTap, InQuizitive, etc.) required for the course.
Q: If my course materials include homework tools and I decide to opt-out, will I lose the work I have already completed?
A: If you purchase the materials from a different source and use the same credentials (email) to log in, your work will be retained.
Q: Where can I access my materials?
A: Your materials are available via a link placed in your course’s Canvas (usually within the Modules). Your instructor should be able to tell you exactly where the link was placed.
Q: If I opted-out of a course and changed sections, do I have to opt-out again?
A: Yes.
Q: If I dropped a course, do I still have to opt-out?
A: No, you will be removed from the program when you drop the course.
Q: I am retaking a course that is participating in Immediate Access. Do I have to pay again?
A: If you are retaking a course, please contact us at to confirm if you will need to pay for the materials. For a majority of the courses, access is only valid for 180 days (one semester). If you are retaking a course with 180-day access, you will need to pay again.
Q: I am currently enrolled in two courses that are using the exact same materials in Immediate Access. Do I have to pay twice?
A: No. Please contact us at by the opt-out deadline so we can add you to our list of exceptions. You will only be required to pay for one of the courses.
Q: What is the fee for this program and how much do I save?
A: Prices vary from course to course. There is a complete list of courses, prices, and savings comparisons here. The fees are typically discounted 10% to 20% from the regular digital material prices offered at the Bookstore. For print, prices are usually discounted 25% to 60%.
Q: How and when do I pay for Immediate Access?
A: Student Account Services will send you an email after the add/drop date with your Immediate Access bill. To submit a payment online, first log on to Student Account Services with your RED ID and WebPortal password. This is where you pay your tuition and other campus fees. Then click on “Make Payment” located at the top of the page. You will then click on the charge that you are trying to pay for and add it to the basket when prompted. Please note that the description under “Make Payment” will appear as “University Charges”. You will then be able to check-out with either two payment options: Credit Card (Applicable service charge of 2.75%) or Electronic Check (No service charge). You may also pay in person at Student Account Services, located in Student Services West (SSW) Room 2536.
Q: How do I request and pay for my printed low cost add-on?
A: You can opt-out and purchase or rent a print copy at regular price or you can stay in the program and get a low-cost black and white, soft bound copy for an additional cost of approximately $25-$50. These printed low cost add-ons will only be offered after the opt-out deadline. The Bookstore will verify you have not opted out and are eligible for the add-on. For courses that are delivered by RedShelf, you will be able to order your print copy by accessing your eBook. Visit here for more information on each course and ordering.