What is Day1Ready?
Day1Ready is a digital-first flat rate course materials program for all undergraduate students. This program provides each student access to all of their required course materials by the first day of class for one flat rate of $21.50 per unit/credit. The SDSU Bookstore has negotiated with the top publishers to get the lowest pricing on textbooks and is passing those savings to all undergraduate students
What are the benefits of Day1Ready?
Day1Ready will provide all undergraduate students with access to their required course materials before the start of classes and they can keep that access through the add/drop date even if they opt out of the program. The program provides undergraduates with predictable pricing which allows them to budget for their course materials semester to semester.
Who is participating in Day1Ready?
Day1Ready will be for all undergraduate students enrolled in courses at the main SDSU campus and the Imperial Valley Campus. Day1Ready is currently not available for graduate students and Global Campus courses. Graduate level courses and Global campus courses will still have the opportunity to participate in Immediate Access (https://www.shopaztecs.com/immediateaccess).
Will financial aid cover Day1Ready?
The financial aid cost of attendance includes an allowance for books and supplies. Financial aid can be used to cover the Day1Ready charges.
Can my students opt out? How do they do so?
Yes, students can choose to opt out each semester. Please view the Student FAQ (https://shopaztecs.com/t-studentfaqea.aspx) page for complete details on the opt out process. Students will be opting out of Day1Ready for all of their classes, not on a class-by-class basis. Opting out of Day1Ready does not drop them from their classes. For students that opt out, they will need to secure their own course materials at regular pricing. Print and digital materials will be available at the Bookstore and through EZ Books (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu/).
What course materials are included in the program?
Day1Ready will deliver any required course materials/iClicker with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Course supplies such as lab coats, goggles, art supplies, scantrons, examination books, etc. are not included in Day1Ready and can be purchased from the Bookstore.
Will Day1Ready affect textbook selection or academic freedom?
No. Faculty retains full academic freedom under Day1Ready. Whether you are assigning paid publisher content or free resources, all of your textbooks remain available for adoption.
How do students access digital materials in the Day1Ready program?
A Day1Ready link will be placed in your Canvas course under modules. Please let the Course Materials department know if you have any Canvas courses combined. To access the digital content/textbooks for any given course, students simply log in to the course page in their SDSU Canvas account, and click on the Day1Ready link under modules. Depending on the textbook or content type, you may find additional access information after clicking the Day1Ready link
How do students receive their required printed textbooks that are not available digitally and their iClickers in the Day1Ready program?
Required printed books and iClickers can be ordered through EZ Books (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu/) and are also available at the Bookstore.
What if an undergraduate student is taking a graduate level course? Will that course be included in Day1Ready?
Yes. If an undergraduate student is taking a 500+ level course, their required course materials will be delivered to them as part of the Day1Ready program.
How do I adopt content?
There is no change to the current process. You will adopt content through the personalized link that is emailed to you. If you need access to receive your personalized link, you can request a login by emailing Meghan Smith (meghan.smith@sdsu.edu).
I use content from resources other than a traditional textbook publisher, such as third party software, a library resource, OER, etc. Can I continue to do so?
Yes. You are free to continue to use the same content as in previous terms. Please use the “Comments Field” when submitting your adoptions.
If you have a library resource or OER link, please provide it in your comments. If you do not have a link, please specify that in your comments and the Course Materials team will work with the Library to acquire it.
Faculty retain full academic freedom under Day1Ready. If more free materials are adopted over time, it will be possible for the bookstore to reduce the cost of the program.
My Class only uses OER materials, do students still need to pay for my class?
Yes. Students will need to decide what is going to be best for them and all the classes they are taking. We encourage the adoption of OER because it will help lower the price of Day1Ready to students.
If you adopt OER materials please let the Bookstore know. The Bookstore is partnering with the SDSU Library and will make contributions to help expand its digital collection of unlimited user licensed eBooks.
How do I get a desk copy?
This process remains unchanged. You will reach out to your publisher representative to request a desk copy. You can visit our desk copy (https://www.shopaztecs.com/deskcopies) page for more information.
If I cancel my adoption, will my students still get charged?
Day1Ready is a $21.50 per unit, flat-rate, term-level program that covers all required textbooks for every undergraduate student. The rate is not based on individual classes. Therefore, if you decide to cancel an adoption for your class there is no additional cost or reduction to the student.
How do students access digital textbooks if they choose to opt out of Day1Ready?
Students can easily access individual digital textbooks and other digital course content from the Bookstore or shopaztecs.redshelf.com. For courseware (depending on the platform), students may purchase an access code at the Bookstore, from EZ Books (https://ezbooks.sdsu.edu/) or directly through the publisher.
How do students purchase print textbooks if they choose to opt out of Day1Ready?
The Bookstore will be selling undergraduate print textbooks to those who have opted out of the Day1Ready program at current retail prices.
Do students participating in Day1Ready retain access to their textbooks after a course ends?
It depends. eBook duration varies by publisher and may range from 150 days to perpetual access. eBooks that are a part of a homework manager or similar courseware are only usable for the semester during which they were originally provided. Unless otherwise noted, access to these materials expires once the term is over. Students will need to return any printed books and iClickers at the end of the semester.
Who do my students contact if they are having trouble with Day1Ready?
Please send us an email at ea@sdsu.edu.
Who do I contact if I am having trouble with Day1Ready?
Please reach out to the Aztec Shops Course Materials Department or send us an email at ea@sdsu.edu.
Where do I go if I'm having trouble with RedShelf?
If you are having trouble with RedShelf, you should visit the RedShelf Solve page (https://solve.redshelf.com/hc/en-us). This page includes all of the RedShelf FAQ's and the ability to submit a help request to the RedShelf Customer Experience team..
Where do I go if I’m having trouble with Cengage/Cengage Unlimited?
If you are having trouble with a Cengage product, please visit the Cengage Faculty Course Page (https://www.cengage.com/coursepages/SDSU_Faculty). This page includes instructor resources, getting started & student resources, how to set up your course and support.
Where do I go if I'm having trouble with Pearson MyLab, Mastering or Revel?
If you are having trouble with a Pearson product, please visit Pearson Support (https://support.pearson.com/getsupport/s/contactsupport). On this page, you can search articles to resolve common issues. If you would like to speak to a tech support agent and open a case , choose Contact Us in the upper right corner of the page.